Average First Frost Dates for Montana

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First Frost Dates were calculated using daily climate data from the period between 1991-2020.

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List of Average First Frost Dates for Locations in Montana

LocationAverage First Frost Dates
AnacondaAug. 11 - Aug. 20
BelgradeSep.11 - Sep. 20
BigforkSep. 21 - Sep. 30
BillingsOct. 1 - Oct. 10
BozemanSep. 21 - Sep. 30
ButteAug. 21 - Aug. 31
Columbia FallsSep.11 - Sep. 20
EvergreenSep.11 - Sep. 20
Four CornersSep.11 - Sep. 20
Great FallsSep. 21 - Sep. 30
HavreSep. 21 - Sep. 30
HelenaSep. 21 - Sep. 30
KalispellSep.11 - Sep. 20
LaurelSep. 21 - Sep. 30
LewistownSep. 21 - Sep. 30
LivingstonSep.11 - Sep. 20
LockwoodOct. 1 - Oct. 10
Miles CityOct. 1 - Oct. 10
MissoulaSep.11 - Sep. 20
Orchard HomesSep. 21 - Sep. 30
PolsonSep. 21 - Sep. 30
SidneySep. 21 - Sep. 30
WhitefishSep.11 - Sep. 20
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